Pannon EGTC

Pannon EGTC held a presidency meeting and a general assembly

Due to emergency regulations, decisions made online instead of in person on May 23, 2022 by the Pannon EGTC membership
Pannon EGTC held a presidency meeting and a general assembly

At the Presidency meeting, the Croatian, Hungarian and Slovenian vice-presidents of Pannon EGTC received information about the proposals of the General Assembly meeting and the current situation.

The General Assembly made decisions on the following issues:

  1.      The amendment of the Pannon EGTC member list and FEB rules of procedure
  2.      Report on the current tenders of the Pannon EGTC
  3.      Approval of the submission of a new application
  4.      Adoption of the amendment to the 2021 budget of the Pannon EGTC
  5.      Acceptance of the 2021 report of the Pannon EGTC
  6.      Adoption of the 2022 work plan of Pannon EGTC
  7.      Adoption of the 2022 budget of Pannon EGTC
  8.      Other: Election of a new supervisory board member of the Pannon EGTC

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