Pannon EGTC

Pannon EGTC

Dear Visitor,

The Pannon EGTC (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation), seated in the city of Pécs, Hungary, was established on 31 August, 2010 with the participation of Slovenian and Hungarian partners. The aim of the cooperation is a well tuned development of the south-western border area. Registration at the Court of Registration is expected in January, 2012.

The goal of this non-profit organisation is to establish a successful cooperation among the municipalities of two or more countries and among the local and regional authorities of the area. The organization's members are 55 local governments from Hungary, Croatia és Slovenia and 2 regionally significant organizations: the University of Pécs and Duna-Dráva National Park.

This is an incredible success for the members of the Pannon EGTC, since applications for funds are open for the organisation that have been unavailable for local governments until now. So they will find solution and help not only from outside, from outside investors, but also, they are able to find these solutions by themselves by creating jobs, investments or economic developments.

Within the framework of EGTCs the following possibilities are open, among others: joint infrastructure development, the creation cross-border integrated development programmes, territorial planning, cooperation in the health sector, local transport development, cooperation between national parks, cooperation of ventures, creating networks agricultural buyers, creating infrastructure of processing. logistics, and storing, development networks of cross-border commerce and ventures, joint capital investment and employment.

We hope that our webpage offers professional help and useful information for all the visitors.

László ŐRI dr.
Péter MERZA dr.