Successful meeting with Bosnian universities
With the help and support of Krisztián Pósa, Hungarian ambassador in Sarajevo, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, on April 16, 2024, the University of Pécs - dr. Katalin Szili and dr. Éva Mikes curators - and Pannon EGTC - dr. Judit Füzér deputy director - met at the Hungarian Embassy in Sarajevo with representatives of the University of Mostar, the University of Tuzla, and the University of Sarajevo.
dr. Éva Mikes said that the main goal of the Pannon EGTC is to provide the actors of the southern Transdanubian, Dráva and Száva - so called Southern Pannonian -region with a cooperation interface and framework that they can simultaneously use as a platform for the transfer of experience, as well as an opportunity for joint development and EU tenders. The aim of Pannon EGTC is also to extend the region's cross-border cooperation to the Western Balkans through joint developments, projects and investments, in addition to Croatia, primarily with economic relations established with the regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
dr. Katalin Szili explained that Pannon EGTC considers universities to be important actors and partners, therefore the aim is to strengthen and institutionalize relations with university actors, and to build a university network within the Pannon EGTC. The goal of the network is to develop the entire region into a unified economic and development area that prioritizes sustainability, with the interoperability of the internal and external borders of the European Union, as the cooperation will undoubtedly expand the opportunities for cooperation between municipalities and universities, and beyond the borders of the university and the municipality, further the possibility of obtaining development EU funds.
Regulation 1082/2006/EC of the European Parliament and the Council (July 5, 2006) on the European regional cooperation grouping allows organizations from non-EU countries to join a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation. In addition to the University of Pécs as a member,Croatian universities were invited as well as universities located south of the Sava in Bosnia-Herzegovina, which is in line with the Government's foreign policy strategy in the Western Balkans, and in line with the mission of the Pannon EGTC, with the task is to promote the European integration of these regions in the professional, political and social relations level support.
dr. Judit Füzér outlined the previous project-based collaborations, as well as presented the project ideas currently being developed, in which she invited the participating universities to actively participate.
Nermina Hadzigrahic, the rector of the University of Tuzla, and Nermin Sarajlic, the vice-rector of the University of Tuzla, emphasized that they are very happy about the cooperation within the framework of the REHEATEAST project, as renewable energy is a particularly important topic for them. They would like to continue to cooperate with the Pannon EGTC in the future in every possible way, and their senate will soon make a decision on joining the Pannon ETT.
Inja Stojkić, the head of the office responsible for international relations at the University of Mostar, and Boris Crnokic, the head of the project office, emphasized that it is an important opportunity for them to learn about and participate in European Union projects, which is why the University of Mostar decided to join the Pannon EGTC .
prof. dr. Enita Nakaš, the vice-chancellor responsible for international relations of the University of Sarajevo, expressed her gratitude for the invitation, evaluated what was said very positively, and expressed her serious interest in joining, however, according to the university's internal processes, the senate must first decide on this.