Pannon EGTC

Interreg Central Europe workshop

nterreg Central Europe Joint Secretary invited Pannon EGTC to participate at the workshop “Improving Synergies across Interreg in central Europe,” taking place on 27 November 2024 in Brussels.
Interreg Central Europe workshop

The workshop discussed the proposed Interreg CE capitalisation call for the joint valorisation of Interreg CE and Interreg cross-border cooperation (CBC) results, in view of increasing their impacts in the central European regions.

An ongoing study is exploring the challenges facing the border regions in central Europe, identifying potential thematic areas for valorisation. The study is based on desk research, interviews with the Interreg CBC managing authorities (MAs) and a survey targeting beneficiaries of Interreg CE and Interreg CBC projects in central Europe.

Participants to the CE workshop were expected to validate the interim results of the study regarding possible thematic areas for joint valorisation, as well as to give feedback on the concept of the capitalisation call.

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