INVITATION to the General Assembly meeting of the Pannonian European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation on May 8, 2024
to the General Assembly meeting of the Pannon European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
Starting at 3:00 p.m. on May 8, 2024
If the General Assembly convened for 3:00 p.m. does not have a quorum, I will convene a repeated General Assembly for the matters on the original agenda on May 8, 2024 at 3:15 p.m. I would like to inform you that the repeated General Assembly has a quorum regardless of the number of participants represented.
The meeting is held in Hungarian with Croatian interpretation.
Planned agenda items:
1. Election of officials of the Pannon ETT
2. Approving the joining of new members
3. Amendment of the statutes, convention and regulations of the Pannon ETT
4. Establishment of a University Cooperation Committee
5. Report on the applications of the Pannon ETT and approval of the submission of new applications
6. Adoption of the amendment to the 2023 budget of the Pannon ETT
7. Acceptance of the 2023 report of the Pannon ETT
8. Acceptance of the 2024 work plan of the Pannon ETT
9. Election of officials of the Pannon ETT
10. Others
Pécs, April 10, 2024.
László Őri dr.