Invitaiton to the General Assembly meeting of Pannon EGTC
The meeting will be held online, through zoom.
Pannon European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
Starting at 10:45 a.m. on May 26, 2023
online General Assembly meeting
If the General Assembly convened at 10.45 a.m. does not have a quorum, I shall convene the resumption of the General Assembly on 26 May 2023 at 11:00 a.m. on the matters on the original agenda . I would like to inform you that the repeated General Meeting shall have a quorum regardless of the number of participants represented.
The meeting will be held in Hungarian with Croatian interpretation.
The meeting will take place using the Zoom application.
Provisional items:
- Amendment of the list of members of Pannon EGTC
- Election of the auditor of Pannon EGTC
- Report on the tenders of Pannon EGTC
- Adoption of the amendment to the 2022 budget of Pannon EGTC
- Approval of Pannon EGTC's 2022 annual report
- Adoption of the Pannon EGTC's 2023 work plan
- Adoption of the 2023 budget of Pannon EGTC
- Other
Pécs, 11 May 2022.
dr. László Őri sk.