Pannon EGTC

Invitation to the closing event of the CB Joint Strategy project

In focus: Interreg VI-A Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2021-2027
Invitation to the closing event of the CB Joint Strategy project

The large-scale, 3.5-year-long project of the Pannon European Territorial Association, "CBJointStrategy - Supporting the development of the HU-HR border region by a common strategy jointly formulated by the various actors of the cross-border area", is coming to an end. determines the most important priorities of the joint Hungarian-Croatian development programs - Interreg HU-HR CBC - of the European Union budget cycle between 2021-2027. The central government bodies, local authorities, and area and business development specialists of both countries took part in this process.

At the event, the completed work, the completed program, and the expected schedule of calls for tenders in the Croatian-Hungarian border region will be presented.

Date: Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Location: Kodály Center, Pécs (7622 Pécs, Breuer Marcell promenade 4.)

Registration: from 9:45 a.m

Language of the event: Hungarian, Croatian with simultaneous interpretation

Participation in the event requires registration, please register for the event at the link below!

The event will also be available online at Pannon ETT's YouTube channel:

in Croatian:

in Hungarian:


            10:00 Greetings

            dr. László Őri, President, Pannon EGTC and Baranya County

            Ratimir Ljubić, vice-president, Koprivnica-Krizevci County and Pannon EGTC

            Drago Horvat, Consul General of the Republic of Croatia in Pécs, Hungary

            Stella Arneri, Director, Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds of the Republic of Croatia

            Péter Kiss-Parciu, Deputy State Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade

            Attila József Móring, Government Commissioner responsible for the development of the Southern Transdanubia Region

            10:30 Cross-border Interreg programs 2021-2027

            Nikoletta Horváth, head of department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Cross-Border Interreg Programs Department

            10:50 Results of the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program 2014-2020

            dr. Márton Szűcs, Head of Secretariat, Interreg V-A Hungary-Croatia Cooperation Program, Joint Secretariat


            11:10 Work done in the framework of the CB Joint Strategy project

            dr. Péter Merza, director, Pannon European Territorial Association

            11:20 Situation analysis of the Croatian-Hungarian border area and the impact assessment of the HU-HR CBC Program 2014-2020

            Lóránt Deme, senior consultant, Logframe Kft.-HBH Stratégia Kft. expert consortium

            Zoltán Pámer, expert, Logframe Kft.-HBH Stratégia Kft. expert consortium

            11:40 Coffee break

            12:00 Presentation of strategic projects made within the framework of the Hungary-Croatia Cross-Border Cooperation Program and project

            Zoltán Pámer, expert, Logframe Kft.-HBH Stratégia Kft. expert consortium

            Lóránt Deme, senior consultant, Logframe Kft.-HBH Stratégia Kft. expert consortium

            12:30 Partner search forum

            Moderated forum, which provides an opportunity to find project partners based on project proposals sent in advance

            13:00 Lunch

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