Pannon EGTC

Invitation to the opening event of the REHEATEAST project of Pannon EGTC

The event will be held in Zagreb on April 9-10, 2024
Invitation to the opening event of the REHEATEAST project of Pannon EGTC

On January 1, 2024, Pannon EGTC, as a leading partner, started the implementation of the Danube Region Program project called REHEATEAST. The goal of 11 partners and 25 associated strategic partners in the project is to reduce the fossil energy demand of DH systems and to integrate renewable energy and waste heat. REHEATEAST aims to facilitate this by encouraging multi-stakeholder inter-sector cooperation by developing, testing and disseminating applicable solutions that support public-private cooperation and the implementation of large-scale building and system rehabilitation programs. Transnational cooperation enables the adaptation of existing good practices in similar contexts and the joint development of adaptable cooperation and optimization models, with a particular focus on the integration of standardization, certification and green procurement opportunities, with all relevant stakeholders (including authorities, consumers, financial bodies, institutions, utilities, media, technology suppliers and construction companies). The developed models are tested in pilot actions. REHEATEAST formulates policy recommendations to address the challenges of DH systems in the Eastern Danube region and beyond.

The opening event of the project will take place on April 9-10, 2024 in Zagreb, according to the following program:



1st Interregional Partner Workshop

Zagreb, HR

9-10, April 2024


Venue: Hotel International

Miramarska 24, 10 000 Zagreb



Day 1


9, April

Administrative Kick-off & 1st Steering Committee SCOM meeting


Link for the online participation


13.00 – 13.15

Coffee and Gathering

13.15 – 13.30

Welcome by EIHP and LP

13.30 – 14.10

Agenda Introduction and warming-up by LP team


Ice-breaking exercise


14:10 - 14:25

Presentation by the Danube Region Programme

by Horst Schindler Coordinator Energy & Transport

14.25 – 15.00

SCOM set- up and 1st SCOM meeting

Legal and operational issues

Reporting procedures and schedule 

by LP team


15.00 – 15:25

Budget, budget monitoring and flexibility

by LP team


15:25 - 15:40

Interactive quiz of administrative and management topics- mentimeter by LP team



Coffee break


Communication task by LP team



Wrap-up, list of upcoming actions and closure of the meeting

by LP team and EIHP




venue: Restaurant Kaptolska Klet

Adress: Kaptol 5, 10 000 Zagreb







10, April

Thematic Meeting


Link for the online participation


moderation by LP team from 9 to 11 cca.- LP Pannon 

9.00 – 9.30

Gathering, networking coffee

Upon arrival at the registration desk, each participant will select one of the following four topics that aligns with their interests and/or area of expertise:

1.    “I am interested in exploring processes for building level optimization with emphasis on citizen engagement“

2.    “I am interested in discussing district heating optimization planning processes (e.g. RES, heat storage, digitalisation etc.)”

3.    “I am interested in learning about stakeholder-inclusive processes for preparing neighbourhood-level upgrades of multi apartment buildings”

4.   “I am interested in exploring applicability options of using non-fossil DHC optimization (e.g. nature-based cooling good practices, link with other policy areas etc.)”

This selection will facilitate discussions and networking opportunities during coffee break. Please take a moment to review the topics to be able to choose one at the site. Thank you!  

9.30 – 9.45

Welcome by EIHP and LP

  • Aims of the meeting
  • Presentation of the agenda
  • E-meeting etiquette for online participants

9.45 – 10.00

Brief presentation of the project by IDEFA

  • Project objective
  • Expected results
  • Intervention logic
  • Main activities and roleplayers


10.00 – 10.15

Project Structure by LP team


10.15 – 11.15


Ice breaking/introduction of the partners and the ASPs by LP team


11.15 – 11.45

Coffee break

11.45 – 12.15

Presentation of activities and outputs in SO1

by EIHP as SO leader

  • Main objectives, activities and schedule
  • Role of ASPs
  • Expected results/outcomes
  • Interrelation with other project activities and SOs
  • Upcoming tasks

12.15- 13.00

1st thematic activities, discussion led by EIHP as SO leader

 Interactive session where different topics will be discussed:

o      Critical issues in modern district heating systems

o      Successful good practices

o      How can we improve the image of contemporary district heating systems?

o      Priorities and goals of modern district heating and cooling systems

o      Cooperation with REHEATEAST project


13.00- 14.00



14.00 - 15.00 

CONTINUATION/WRAP- UP of the session on 1st thematic activities, discussion led by EIHP as SO leader


15.00 – 15.30

Presentation of activities and outputs in SO2 by JSI as SO leader

  • Main objectives, activities and schedule
  • Role of ASPs
  • Expected results/outcomes
  • Interrelation with other project activities and SOs
  • Upcoming tasks

15.30 – 16.00

Coffee break


16.00 – 16.30

Presentation of activities and outputs in SO3 held by ENEFFECT as SO leader and by the LP (A.3.3.)


  • Main objectives, activities and schedule
  • Role of ASPs
  • Expected results/outcomes
  • Interrelation with other project activities and SOs
  • Upcoming tasks


16.30 – 17.00

Upcoming tasks and closure of the meeting

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